On February 15, the Ukrainian Charity Ball 2025 will be held at the Palais Ferstel in Vienna. Guests can expect not only an evening with a festive
Ein Mann ist Dienstagvormittag in Linz bei einer Bushaltestelle von einem anderen angeschossen worden. Die beiden sollen zuvor im Bus in Streit
A man was shot by another at a bus stop in Linz on Tuesday morning. The two are said to have previously gotten into an argument on the bus.
Am Montag kam es in Wien-Döbling zu einem erschreckenden Vorfall: Ein 28-Jähriger wurde völlig unvermittelt auf offener Straße von einem ihm
On Monday, a frightening incident occurred in Vienna-Döbling: A 28-year-old man was suddenly insulted, kicked, and beaten on the open street by a
A heated dispute between brothers led to a police intervention in Vienna-Hietzing on Monday night.
Ein handfester Streit unter Brüdern sorgte in der Nacht auf Montag in Wien-Hietzing für einen Polizeieinsatz.
Officers from the Vienna-Favoriten city police command were alerted due to a dispute.
Aufgrund eines Streits wurden Beamte des Stadtpolizeikommandos Wien-Favoriten alarmiert.
During an arrest on Laxenburger Street in Vienna-Favoriten on Monday, several police officers were injured, the executive reported the following day.