The chairman of the partially state-owned electricity corporation Verbund, Michael Strugl, is calling on the future government to expand energy production from water, wind, and sun.
"No matter who governs here, there is no way around expanding production, grid, and storage," said Verbund CEO Strugl on Thursday. He did not comment on the negotiations between the FPÖ and ÖVP on forming a government, as he explained. A "closing of ranks" is necessary, as energy laws usually require a two-thirds majority.
Verbund CEO Calls on Carinthians to Vote for Wind Power
A "red-white-red effort" in the interest of the business location is needed, according to Strugl. Regarding the fact that a vote on a wind power ban is taking place in Carinthia on Sunday and that the state government in Upper Austria stopped a large wind park with new exclusion zones in December, the former Upper Austrian ÖVP state politician said: "Every kilowatt-hour that we produce ourselves really helps us." Regarding the referendum in Carinthia, the Verbund CEO said he hoped for a positive and wise decision by the Carinthian population. He referred to the Upper Austrian municipality of Rainbach, where the citizens voted for wind turbines. Strugl said there is a large majority in Austria for the expansion of renewables, but sometimes local resistance. This needs to be overcome.
Energy Transition: Renewables Dampen Prices in the Long Term
The Verbund CEO emphasized that the expansion of renewables not only helps in the fight against the climate crisis but also increases supply security and, despite short-term high investment costs, ensures lower energy prices in the long term. The expansion, with 100 billion euros, is also a major economic program in the current recession. Strugl also advises politicians to stick to the existing climate targets. Changing the rules halfway through would cause difficulties for companies. "We need long-term paths that we can rely on." The transformation is not only taking place in Austria but is a global trend.
Verbund CEO Advocates for More Pragmatism Instead of Ideology
He assumes that the future government will also have a high interest in reducing dependence on fossil energy imports through more own production. Even if one ideologically questions human-made climate change, the expansion of renewables is "sensible and necessary". Strugl advocated pragmatism instead of ideology in energy policy. He reminded political decision-makers that some energy laws had been left behind under the government of ÖVP and Greens. In addition to a new electricity market law, the Electricity Industry Act (ElWG), an overriding public interest should be legally anchored and approval procedures accelerated for the expansion of renewables, according to Strugl. The Verbund CEO rejects the abolition of CO2 pricing. It is the consequence of a policy that takes decarbonization seriously. "If you make fossil energy cheaper, it has corresponding consequences". Instead, he suggests capping taxes and levies on electricity. "If you want, you can immediately make the electricity bill cheaper," says Strugl.
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